Change Color of Each Board Title Oct 21, 2007 17:01:17 GMT -5 Select PostDeselect PostLink to PostMemberGive GiftBack to Top Post by Chad on Oct 21, 2007 17:01:17 GMT -5 I remember a lot of people would request this for their forums, way back when. I always thought SI should have this. xDSource: OpenTop of Main Footerspreview<script type="text/Javascript">/*By Chad/wiLsiakk - Do not repost!*/var color=[["board id","HEX"],["board id","HEX"],["board id","HEX"],["board id","HEX"]/*no comma on this one!*/];var lolrus = document.getElementsByTagName('td')for(a=0;a<lolrus.length;a++){if(lolrus.className=="windowbg2" && lolrus[a-1].innerHTML.match(/(.gif|.jpg|.png)/) && lolrus.innerHTML.match(/board=/)){for(c=0;c<color.length;c++){if(lolrus.innerHTML.match(color[c][0])){var b = lolrus.getElementsByTagName('b');b[0].innerHTML="<font color="+color[c][1]+">"+b[0].innerHTML+"</font>"; } } }}</script>Board id (go to admin cp > Modify boards and you will see the ID next to each board you have. Also works for Sub-boards)The 6-digit hex color you put here. No # needed.